Organic Milk Has Much Higher Concentration Of Iron, Vitamin E, And Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Omega-3 And Omega-6 As Compared To Regular Milk


Organic Milk
Organic Milk

Organic Milk is milk made from livestock raised using organic farming practices. The use of the term "organic" is regulated by food authorities in most jurisdictions.

Organic cows are not allowed to be given hormones, which stimulate milk production. Organic feed also must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides. Organic cows must get a certain percentage of their diet from grazing, although most organic dairies supplement the grass with grain. However, organic grazing cows produce less milk than cows that eat a grain-based diet. Buying organic milk may be a better investment for your health.

According to Coherent Market Insights the Organic Milk Market Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2022-2028.

The standards for organic milk are stringent. To meet the organic standard, a dairy farm cannot use any form of animal growth hormones or antibiotics. Organic cows must spend at least 30% of their lives on pasture. Conventional milk isn't held to the same standards.

Organic milk contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than conventional full-fat milk, as organic cows eat fresh forage. The milk's fatty acid content may depend on the season of the year. Organic cows can also eat different crops. Organic farms also follow stricter standards for feeding and raising their cattle. Therefore, organic milk is the healthier option.

The price difference between organic and conventional milk is significant. Certified organic milk is generally double the cost of conventional milk. High cost of organic feed and the impact of farm subsidies makes organic milk is expensive for most people. Bridging the gap would require a major overhaul of our food system. Organic milk can cost up to double the price of conventional milk, making it out of reach for most families.

In 2015, a Post reporter visited seven large organic operations in Texas and New Mexico, and found that the products tested had fewer chemicals than conventional dairy cows. In some dairy farmers claimed that large organic dairies are breaking the organic rules.

In June 2020, Betsukai Wellness Farm Co., Ltd was established by Kaneka Corporation, a new company that will be manufacturing and selling organic milk in Notsuke District, Sadayuki Nakayama in Japan.


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