Hyperspectral Imaging Helps In Identifying The Chemical Composition Of Various Product And It Has The Ability To Measure More Than 700 Nm


Hyperspectral Imaging
Hyperspectral Imaging 

Hyperspectral imaging has been used for non-invasive disease diagnostics, and surgical guidance. It also helps to analyze heterogeneous structures. It has a high spectral resolution, and can detect materials at a much larger scale than conventional imaging devices. It is non-contact, and is often used in combination with other remote sensing instruments. HSI combines the advantages of image analysis and spectrometry.

Hyperspectral imaging cameras have a large number of optical filters, and use special optics to measure the light from a target. The light is scanned at thousands of spectra, which enable the camera to recognize materials and quantify the materials on a surface. Hyperspectral imaging has many interesting applications, and it may become even more popular with the advancement of computing power.

The Global Hyperspectral Imaging Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 287.9 Mn in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 15.2% over the forecast period (2022-2030).

In the field of medicine, HSI has been adopted for gastric cancer detection. Hyperspectral imaging was applied to the larynx, showing expert labeling and prediction of tumor regions. Researchers also found that the wavelengths used for spectral reflectance detection were significantly different between the normal and cancerous mucosa.

Hyperspectral imaging also offers advantages for the pharmaceutical industry, as it can identify chemical composition of products. It can also be used to detect nonabsorbing molecular nanoparticles in biological materials. HSI provides a new view of medical imaging.

Hyperspectral imaging has also been used in geological applications, where it helps to map minerals, and to identify oil sources. It can also be used for airborne applications, in which it helps geologists understand the terrain.

Hyperspectral imaging is also used in research and development, where it is beneficial for the laboratory. The technology is also used in remote areas, where it is difficult or impossible to obtain access to the sample. The hyperspectral cube can be produced by airborne sensors, satellites, and handheld devices.

Hyperspectral Imaging uses a combination of optical spectroscopy and image analysis techniques. HSI combines advantages of optical imaging and image analysis to generate a three-dimensional data cube. Hyperspectral imaging cubes are more accurate than RGB three-color images.

A technical research center Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT) is developing hyperspectral cameras and radar technology in April 2022. This technology uses big data and machine learning and it will help dermatologists in identifying skin cancers in early stages.


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