Digital Transformation Market in Healthcare Allows Patients to Manage Their Personal Health Information Online


Digital Transformation Market In Healthcare
Digital Transformation Market In Healthcare

With the advent of digital technology, healthcare organizations can streamline their operations. This has proven to be an invaluable tool for medical research, and it can also help healthcare organizations identify hidden disorders and develop solutions. Healthcare organizations are implementing telemedicine solutions and patient portals, and 54% of them have adopted telehealth applications. However, cyber security is a top concern as these digital transformations are prone to malware attacks. Malware can disrupt patient care and cause reputation damage.

The Global Digital Transformation Market in Healthcare was valued at US$ 2,632.4 Mn in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.7% during the forecasted period (2019-2027)

Digital transformation market in healthcare is growing as consumers continue to demand convenience, hospitals are adapting their business models to meet their demands. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the convergence of trends and the need for convenience and access. Many leading health systems are using digital transformation as an opportunity to become more consumer-friendly. Among the new trends to watch for are changes in culture, operations, and the use of technology. The health care industry is undergoing several changes that will likely accelerate the transformation process.

A new wave of technology is enabling health systems to leverage their digital capabilities to fundamentally transform their relationship with consumers. Health systems that participated in a recent survey cited improved patient experiences as their top desired outcomes. These organizations are implementing a consumer-centered, outside-in approach to healthcare delivery that fosters loyalty and trust among consumers. They are also introducing new forms of care, such as telehealth. Among the other trends, healthcare is becoming more digital than ever.

Digital transformation market in healthcare allows patients to manage their personal health information online. Patients can use these tools to select the most appropriate schedule for their healthcare needs and to better organize their time. With a digital health platform, healthcare organizations can access and analyze patient data, and they can also benefit from enhanced AI utilization. These solutions help doctors detect errors and avoid adverse drug interactions. In August 2021, Royal Philips, a leading healthcare technology, launched two new Philip HealthSuite solutions that are cloud-based, secure and intended for breaking down barriers across patient care in cost-effective and a scalable model.


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